
A Primer To Go Modules

Background on the historical transition to modules, what modules are and the advantages of using it.

Part 3: Let's Build A Broker For Submarine Swaps

In this part of the article series we will look into technical details on how to create Submarine Swaps and extend our payreq package by adding functions to create Bitcoin output scripts and deposit addresses for the swaps.

Enum vs Flag for bitmasks in Python

Ever wondered what’s behind those funny looking Unix access permission values like 600 ✋, 777 ⚠, or 666 😈? Well, they are octal representations, where each of the three rightmost digits represents a different part of the permissions for owner, group, and others. Each of these digits is created from the sum of its component bits. As a result, specific bits add to the sum as it is represented by a numeral:

Part 2: Let's Build A Broker For Submarine Swaps

In this part of the article series we will get our hands dirty working with Lightning invoices. We will look at how they are encoded and make a helper package to decode invoices into its many parts they are made up of.

Part 1: Let's Build A Broker For Submarine Swaps

In this part we will look at how the web application for the Submarine Swaps broker platform is structured and programmed in Golang. This will hopefully demonstrate how numerous parts of the codebase link together and will allow for a better understanding of the different ways the external Bitcoin and the Lightning Network libraries will be interacting with each other.

Prelude: Let's Build A Broker For Submarine Swaps

This is the beginning of a series of articles about how I created a broker platform for Submarine Swaps written in Golang using the btcutil library and both the lnd and btcd projects. It is NOT meant to be a platform used in production. There may be bugs 🐞, mistakes and things left to optimize. The project’s sole purpose was for me to learn more about Golang and find out how to integrate Bitcoin and the Lightning Network in a learning-by-doing approach.

Making a Blog With Hugo And Netlify

Numerous blog posts already exist on using Hugo to build a blog. But in this post I will explain things often found lacking, such as what to be aware of when deploying with Netlify and how to use the Academic theme.